Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

There I was, wondering, what is it all about? You’ve been there.

What do I need to move forward? Since no one was there to answer, I started to feel melancholy. And then I received a text message that gave me a flash of hope.

We are often looking for a change for what is happening to us. We want a bounty, a blessing, a shortfall, a mate, a friend, a chance, or just an opportunity. Before each of those words is “a”.

I forget that all it takes is one. My new friend called for information about my services.  She went a step further and offered to help me. She was a rainbow to my cloud. The conversation encouraged me. Sometimes all you need is acknowledgement that you are on the right path.

It’s hard to see when you are walking it. No matter how long you have prepared for it. It is hard when all you know are naysayers and haters. Sometimes the noise in your head gets so loud, you can’t hear from God. The enemy uses distractions to keep your head down in your foxhole so you won’t get up. It never takes a lot to get started again.  While we put it off, the clock continues to tick. The longer you stay stationary the harder it is to get started again.

I appreciate and acknowledge that all it takes is one to make a difference. I have to continue that and try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud too.

It only takes one seed to increase a forest, a family or a field.

It only takes one step to turn around. (if you are going in the wrong direction)

It only takes one day to change a lifetime.

My friend didn’t know the hell I have been going through but it did remind me that

If you are going through hell, keep moving.

We must all keep moving forward while we can.

All movement isn’t progress.

Sometimes we are walking in a circle.

There is a power of one. You are one step away from where you want to be. You are a lot closer to be where you want to be. I’m writing this to remember in days like I had yesterday that I am one decision, one break-through, away from better.

Remember you too can be a rainbow.




How glad I am.